PortX Connector

This page provides information about PortX Connector. For more information, see your PortX representative.


PortX Connector provides connectivity to PortX. The connector allows the management of APM-enabled connectors from APM and tracking of B2B exchanges.

Installing the Connector

  1. In Anypoint Studio, click the Exchange icon in the Studio taskbar.

  2. Click Login in Anypoint Exchange.

  3. Search for the connector and click Install.

  4. Follow the prompts to install the connector.

When Studio has an update, a message displays in the lower right corner, which you can click to install the update.

Configuring the Connector

The method for configuring the connector depends on whether you want to have payload (that is, message content) persistence and, if you do, what mechanism you use to facilitate it.

Configuration Without Payload Persistence

  1. From Anypoint Studio, select the Global Elements view and press Create.

  2. Enter Partner Manager in the filter.

  3. Choose Basic Configuration and click OK.

  4. In the API Key attribute, enter your private API key which is generated from APM portal.

  5. Enter in the Environment ID attribute the CloudHub environment you want PortX Connector to run in.

  6. Press OK.

Configuration Using Amazon S3 for Payload Persistence

  1. From Anypoint Studio, select the Global Elements view and press Create.

  2. Enter Partner Manager in the filter.

  3. Choose Amazon S3 File Storage and click OK.

  4. In the API Key attribute, enter your private API key which is generated from APM portal.

  5. Enter in the Environment ID attribute the CloudHub environment you want PortX Connector to run in.

  6. Enter the settings of the S3 bucket to be used for storing files. These settings are obtained from your AWS console.

  7. Press OK.

Configuration Using a Mule Flow for Payload Persistence

  1. From Anypoint Studio, select the Global Elements view and press Create.

  2. Enter Partner Manager in the filter.

  3. Choose Custom File Storage and click OK.

  4. In the API Key attribute, enter your private API key which is generated from APM portal.

  5. Enter in the Environment ID attribute the CloudHub environment you want PortX Connector to run in.

  6. Type in the name of the flow to be used for persisting files in the Flow Name attribute.

  7. Optionally, inside the File URL attribute, set a MEL expression to read the file URL from the message produced by the flow.

  8. Press OK.

Supported Operations

The connector supports the following operations:

Track Transmission

Track transmissions originating from sources other than APM-enabled connectors like the filesystem. User-defined metadata can also be tracked as part of the transmission. The connector expects metadata to be a java.util.Map. Nested maps represent nested metadata. You have the option to define the map inline via the Object Browser, or alternatively, specify from the attribute its location in the Mule message. The reserved key "label" can be used in metadata to label a transmission. A transmission label allows you to easily distinguish between different transmissions in APM portal.

Track Document

Track documents like XML documents. The Document attribute must be set accordingly for APM to inspect the document and perform tasks such as property extraction. User-defined metadata can also be tracked as part of the document. The connector expects metadata to be a java.util.Map. Nested maps represent nested metadata. You have the option to define the map inline via the Object Browser, or alternatively, specify from the attribute its location in the Mule message. The reserved key "label" can be used in metadata to label a document. A document label allows you to easily distinguish between different documents in APM portal.

Track Error

Track errors originating from transactions, documents, transmissions, or business processes. The origin of the error is selected from source attribute and the ID identifying the source is set in the sourceId attribute.

Resolve Routes

Fetch routes that have a source channel matching the document type and transport type. An empty java.util.List is returned if no routes could be found.

Start Transactions Replay

Fetch replayable transactions and set them as replaying. Replaying transactions that have timed out and are identified as such through the Replaying Timeout attribute are included with the result set.

End Transactions Replay

Mark transactions, identified by the given list of transaction IDs, as replayed.

Search a resource with APM’s query language.

Propagate Endpoint Properties

Copy the transmission session’s endpoint properties in the key properties to outbound properties.

Harvest Endpoint Properties

Read the Mule event’s endpoint properties and place them in the transmission session under the key properties.

Harvest Document Properties

Read the Mule event’s document properties and place them in the transmission session under the key properties.


Find lookup entries matching the given set of name-value fields and table name. Set the key attribute to ensure no more than a single lookup entry is returned.

Update Transaction Status

Update a transaction’s status to ACTIVE or *INACTIVE.

Retrieve Payload

Fetch a transmission or a document’s raw content from the given URL using the security scheme configured in APM.

Get Partnership By Identifiers

Find a partnership by the partner’s identifier.

Get Events By Transaction ID

Fetches the events (i.e., business document, transmissions, and error) of a transaction given its ID.

Start Errors Notification

Fetches notifiable errors and marks their notification status to NOTIFYING.

End Errors Notification

Marks the notification status of errors, identified by the given list of error IDs, to NOTIFIED.

Evaluate Transaction Release Status

Evaluates if the route has a status window and in that case sets the transaction’s release status to ON HOLD or INACTIVE.

Start Transactions Release

Fetches releasable transactions and marks their release status to RELEASING.

End Transactions Release

Marks the release status of transactions, identified by the given list of transaction IDs, to RELEASED.